Luna Maya Indonesian Hottest Model and movie star, Indonesian Mivie star and model, Luna maya sexy Photo
As a model and movie stars, the name Luna Maya is no longer foreign to the Indonesian public. Can even be, figure Luna Maya has become the icon terseksi artists in Indonesia. The name Luna Mayalah the most to be in the minds of most of the people of Indonesia when asked who the artist terseksi Indonesia at this time. Virgin birth is pretty frequent Guntur is also involved in social action outside activities keartisannya.
Fresh. Luna visible in the show stylishly Stop, modis, and elegant. Kepiawaiannya in the Mix and match clothing is Luna responses to open boutiques labeled 'LM's Hardware. A target and intelligent steps taken himself later if Luna is not working in the entertainment world. The reasoning that led to new and future.
Beautiful. I can not diingkari, mulatto girls Java Austria this always make people never stop to take.
Smart. Although Luna must leave from the university faculty and decide HI plunge in the entertainment world really diseriusi Luna. Provides more than 10 films and nominated for the Indonesian Film Festival category of Best Female player through the film ROOM, is the evidence. It has not become a classy performance for Luna. But Luna always optimistic he can soon.
Easy going. Luna and discover a simple and friendly, making it easy liked and accepted by the Indonesian public.

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